When hard times come (2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10)?
I want you to take heart and not to give up. I have observed many people who have gone through unimaginable experiences. Yet, they carried it well. These were people who took heart in the things of God and used their experiences to be an encouragement and an example to others.
Paul told the Corinthians to take heart because of what God had done for them in Christ.
Know that the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are unseen are eternal. Most of the time we get those two concepts reversed. We assume that what we can see will last. It’s the opposite. The things that really matter are the things which are unseen – – things like faith, hope, and God himself.
We must focus on the eternal things. When we focus on the things that are unseen, we are dealing with the real world and with things which really matter.
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