He Changed the Future through Resurrection!!
Throughout history of all mankind, there has never been a more powerful event than the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He did what no other man or religion could ever do. He conquered death. And He lives still today. Critics have tried hard to find holes in the resurrection story; skeptics have attempted to prove it didn’t happen. Yet His power continues to impact and change lives. Historical evidence and scriptural truth continue to remind a lost world that Jesus indeed did rise again. And He’s made a huge difference in so many of our lives and in our world because of it.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,” John 11:25
Jesus Himself is the only One who can give us new life. No one else holds, or has ever held, that power. He redeems our past and restores our brokenness. He gives us great strength and peace, He gives us hope and a future. Through Christ’s victory over death, as believers in Him, we are unchained from the hold of darkness, no longer under the grip of the enemy. Though we will still face battles and struggles in this life; and many days we will find ourselves under attack or up against spiritual forces that try to defeat us, we know where our true power is found. Jesus provides all that we need to live free in this life. He is our rescuer, He is our savior, He is the Word, He is the way-maker. He is the chain-breaker, He is the truth, He is the bread of life. He offers us living water, He is the resurrection and the life.
Some may say, now wait a minute, God may be able to change the future, but no one can change the past, because what is done is done, the dye is cast and it cannot be changed.
This is where God changes the past of all who commit their lives to Him. He forgives our sins and forgets them! Don't we wish we could forget them!
Our past sins are wiped away completely, and He remembers them no more. Sinful ignorance of God will be removed forever, and forgiveness of sins will be an everlasting reality. Halleluiah!
Yes, God forgets our past, for He has forgiven us of all the mean, low-down things we have done. Our past has changed, because, in God's eyes, we have no past, only a great future.
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